Monday, September 27, 2010

Mountain State Fair

Last weekend we took the girls to the fair. We all had a wonderful time. The girls loved looking at the animals. Keyword there is "looking." Victoria loves animals unless she has to touch them. Of course, fearless Elizabeth would have been up for touching them. :)

Here are some pictures of the girls riding some of the rides.

The girls got to try a Funnel Cake for the first time, my all time favorite fair food. Victoria thought it was okay, but not too special. Elizabeth tried one bite and then decided she just wanted to eat the powdered sugar on top. Victoria had been wanting to see the pigs all day. Thankfully we found them right before we left.
I always enjoy watching the girls when they experience something new. It is so much fun to see their reactions. Hope you had a great weekend as well.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Letter T

Two weeks ago we worked on the letter T. Our verse was, "Thou shall not steal." - Exodus 20:15
The girls had a lot of fun this week. We did lots of activities with Turtles for T. Also, for our art class we did a scarecrow craft and they had lots of fun playing with friends. Here are some pictures of our favorite things from this week.
Elizabeth matching Large, Medium and Small Turtles.
Victoria counting TurtlesElizabeth putting stickers on her letter T. Victoria was very proud of her bible verse.
The girls working on the Kumon Worksheets

I hope they always enjoy learning this much!

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Letter L

Last week was our first week of Preschool stuff and we had our first Art/Craft Class last week.
We started last week on the Letter L. We are doing the alphabet starting with the easiest letters to write because Victoria already knows her letters and letter sounds.

Here are the girls "First day of school pictures."

Elizabeth Victoria

Victoria learned the bible verse, "Let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven." - Matthew 5:16 It is so sweet listening to hear her say it.
We did lots of things this week, but here are some pictures of our favorites.

Victoria and Elizabeth tracing lines to be ready to write the letter L.

Elizabeth working on her find the L worksheet.

Victoria taping together her bible verse.

Victoria tracing L on her vocab words. Victoria built her ladybug triangle.

We had a great week. Hope you did as well.

For those of you wondering, we are doing a combination of things, but lots of our ideas come from these two ladies and their blogs.

Raising Rock Stars -

and for other fun things to do with each letter -


Monday, August 30, 2010


Wow, I haven't posted for a while. We have had an amazing, but busy summer.
We worked in the garden a lot and did a lot of canning and freezing. God truely blessed us with the bounty of food we had this year. My neice Charlotte Autumn Ray was born! One of my best friends Joni Marlowe (now Slagle) got married. Victoria was a flower girl and I was a bridesmaid in the wedding. We went on vacation to the beach and just spent a lot of time with family and friends. Elizabeth turned 2! We even went to Kid Senses in Rutherfordton one day with Monique, Noah and Chloe.

We will be starting back with our preschool work next week and hopefully I will begin blogging once again. Hope all of you had a wonderful summer as well.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Sunday

I know I am a week late, but we have been busy. We had an absolutely wonderful Easter. We went to the Sunrise service at church followed by breakfast, Sunday School and regular Church service. Pastor Tony gave a wonderful message. Then we had a big family dinner. It was a wonderful way to celebrate our Lord! Here are the girls in their Easter dresses: (as you will be able to tell - Victoria lost interest in having her picture taken really quick, but Elizabeth did well)

Kisses for Baby


She loves flowers.

Smelling the tulips

Elizabeth - I love this picture!

Family Picture

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Letter E

Last week, we learned about the letter E. We also spent most of the week learning about Easter and what our Savior did for us! It is still so amazing to me that Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, died for our sins, but then proved His power over death by rising from the grave! - There is no greater love. Victoria is so cute. One day she said, "I didn't want Jesus to die, but I am so glad He is alive again!" We also spent a lot of time outside. The weather has been wonderful. The girls even got to help Grandma plant some flowers.

Elizabeth with her shovel.

Working hard - Victoria watering the flowers.

Victoria stirring the eggs.
Making Egg and Bacon Breakfast Casserole. I can't remember what Victoria was saying. :)

I almost forgot - Our 4wheeler came last week. Stewart was so happy, but really Elizabeth likes more than anyone else!

I hope all of you had a Happy Easter!

Easter Eggs

About a week before Easter, Elizabeth West and her daugther, Maddy, plus her sister, Crystal, and her two boys, Ian and Daniel, came over to the house. We did an Easter egg hunt and dyed Easter eggs. We had such a great time. Here are some pictures:



Victoria stiring her eggs.

Elizabeth - this is how she became the Incrediable Hulk (her hands were very green when we were done)

All the kids dying eggs.

We had a wonderful day and lots of fun.